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Summer Self Care – Finding Mindful Moments

School is out for the next three months (ok…more like two!) which means it’s time to focus on YOU for a little while. The end of the school year can be hectic and stressful for both your school and your family, so your needs may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Get back on track by finding mini mindful moments this summer.

According to Mindful, mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

Here are quick and easy things you can do all summer long!

Wake Up Early

Odds are that you are already in the habit of waking up early, so why not continue with that habit? Use that time for yourself while your house is still quiet and your family is sleeping – sip your coffee and get breakfast ready. Enjoy the calm and stillness as you plan the rest of your day.

Go Outside

You spend more than half your life indoors, either because the weather or your job forces you inside. Now that the weather is nice try to spend as much time outside as possible! The best hours to be out are in the morning or evening, when the sun is not at its worst and the heat isn’t unbearable. You’ll feel more at peace with yourself than if you had sat inside all day. Do whatever you’d like – sit and read, walk the dog, garden, meditate, etc.

Breathe Deeply

Breathing exercises force your mind to slow down and pay attention to what your body is doing. Just a few minutes each day can help center you and prepare you for the day ahead or relax you at night after a busy day. Try one on your own, or use one of the amaZEN U videos to guide you.

Enjoy your summer and live in the now – eat well, live well and have fun!

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